Thank you very much for the series of facilitation workshops you facilitated during August 2015.

The workshop kicked off with – how to design a workshop in a way that supports facilitation and adult learning rather than our typical ‘telling’, seminar style.  It was exceptional to learn how adult learning takes place and to practically apply the principles, to the extent that we realised the idea we had for a next seminar, would not work!! What a win for us to be able to reach that conclusion ourselves using the new information that we had just learnt.

Next were three facilitation seminars held in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban.  Apart from the fact that the group bonded and felt safe enough to experiment with very new and different skills by testing the principles in a real life environment, we also learnt about the different learning styles – I’m happy to say that not one of us was aware of and this knowledge absolutely changed our view of what we previously thought were ‘difficult’ delegates.

Being involved in the workshop myself and experiencing how you facilitated the various learning styles within our group was a great learning experience.  Being able to ‘sit in it’ sometimes to allow the group dynamics to work was also a big learning experience.

From a material development perspective, we immediately changed our way of writing seminars to adapt to a more ‘facilitative’ style, including adults and their experience rather than just dumping loads of information.  We’ve broken up our seminars into more ‘bite-sized’ chunks in order to bring across key learnings.

We look forward to working with you in the future to ensure that we stay on track and continue to incorporate the principles we’ve learnt.

Kindest regards

Mimi Pienaar, Head Practice Management, Masthead